Hello Everyone! Welcome to Crab Cakes and Kimchi! A little bit about myself: My name is Jadyn (not Jayden, Jaden, Jaydn, Jaclyn…you get the point lol). I was born in South Korea, raised in Maryland, as well as worked and lived all over the DMV area (D.C., Maryland, Virginia). When I was a kid, I always enjoyed cooking. I remember in my earliest years (approximately third grade?), making ramen and some sort of fried rice for my brother and cousin after playing school to serve lunch (who knows what I taught them but class was definitely a lot shorter than lunch lol). Fast forward, as life got busy with going to school full-time and working full-time (sometimes up to three jobs), I found it hard to find the time to cook. But, whenever I had the opportunity to do so for others, I would cook something up that I thought they’d enjoy. It was fun being able to do that whenever I had the chance to make something for them. I enjoyed the challenge of trying to figure out what they liked. To this day, I still enjoy cooking and sharing except this time, it is also shared through my blog. Cooking is definitely an art and there are several ways of preparing and making food.
When cooking, I usually like to freestyle and have an idea of how it’ll turn out. I also do what I think will taste good together and modify it according to who I make it for, etc. and that has allowed me to play with the artistic freestyle way of cooking. Starting this blog and figuring out a more precise recipe has been another way of showing a different and multi-faceted way of displaying the art of cooking. I’ve been learning so much and having fun along the way and I hope you have fun too! I don’t claim to be an expert but I love some good food and I’m very excited to share some of my recipes with you! Feel free to modify according to what tastes good to you and your preference.
My recipes are influenced by my South Korean and Maryland roots (hence the name of my blog) but it also includes food that shows a bit of my creative and artistic side.
Anywho, let’s cook together! And after you’re done cooking…Mukjja! Let’s eat!
A little bit about me:
I have three degrees and I previously worked towards a fourth degree but found an interest in digital real estate.
I started working at age ten and the longest hours I worked was about 36 hours with about 2 hours nap (I will never do that again).
I love Jesus and my church. I am who I am today because of them. <3
I enjoy helping others when possible.
I’ve always been an artist at heart/mind but interestingly, most of my jobs have been left-brained.
Although I’m an extrovert, I very much have introverted tendencies.
I hope to visit South Korea one day. It’s been over twenty years since I’ve been there.
I found out in my adulthood that I was almost adopted by two different people. I’m still very close with them to this day!